Spanglish Christmas Dinner & Colombian Night!!!
Wed, 22 Dec
Time & Location
22 Dec 2021, 19:00 – 21:00 GMT
London, 91-95 Newington Butts, London SE1 6SF, UK
About the Event
Por favor reservar solamente si estas 100% segur@ de asistir, l@s otr@s Spanglishers te estaran esperando!
Please book only if you are 100% sure to attend, there will be other Spanglishers waiting for you!
Colombian evening is a great opportunity to enjoy some Colombian food & drinks and Colombian music, it is the perfect opportunity to wish FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! You are welcome to share with the Spanglish crowd to practice some Spanglish in the best Colombian environment!!!
We have been organizing Christmas dinners since 2015 at Latino venues. However, last year we had a break because of the pandemic. Now, we are coming back to Colombia!!!! Vamos a disfrutar de la famosa comida Colombiana!! There will be a Quiz about 2021, Colombia, UK and the whole world.
7:00pm to 7:30pm free time to socialise
7:30pm to 8:30pm Dinner
8:30pm Quiz
Cost: £6
You pay your food and drinks separately.
Make sure to find us!! When you arrive at the venue look for the 'Spanglish' booking.
Nos vemos pronto parcer@s!!!!
We are all definitely looking forward to it! :)
Todo esta listo !!! solo faltas TU!!!
Follow us @spanglishlc